Exploring Interiors is an International Summer Workshop held in Santiago de Compostela from the 13th to the 22nd of July 2011. The course was aimed at students and architects from Spain and the rest of Europe interested in working in contexts of historical value in the fields of restoration, repair and intervention. The course offered the opportunity to live and work in the historic centre of Santiago de Compostela, World Heritage City by the UNESCO and reference in strategies of urban renewal. Participants have realised studies of interiors spaces of two buildings in the historical centre of Santiago. The Antiguo Colexio dos Irlandeses or Pazo de Ramiráns on Rúa Nova is an example of city palace dating from c XVII that first was built as a Seminary to train Irish catholic priests, that had left Britain during the kingdom of Isabel I, later remodelled to become a residential palace. Constructed in granite masonry, the building is composed by ground floor and two storeys organised in plan in three elongated bays. The bays are joined at the centre by the four-storey volume of the stair accessed from the street via a vestibule. The south façade of the building opens to an enclosed garden belonging to the palace. Built under the patronage of the Cabildo de Santiago in the c XVIII, the Casa do Deán is an example of Galician Urban Baroque Palace. Bishops visiting the city used to be accommodated in this house and subsequently the deans of the Cathedral used it as residence. The building is composed of ground floor and two floors in a distribution organised around a continuous succession of rooms without corridors, with its main entrance being on Rúa do Vilar, important street of the medieval city fabric. The 10 day full-time intensive workshop consisted of practical workshops held within the buildings subject of study, studio group discussions, building visits and presentations. It also integrated lectures, like the one dedicated to the Neues Museum in Berlin by David Chipperfield Architects and the one describing the restoration of Astley Castle in Warwickshire by Witherford Watson Mann Architects.
International Summer Workshop
Project title: Exploring Interiors, Studies in the Historic City of Santiago de Compostela
Location: Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Year: 2012
Coordinators and tutors: Aurora Armental Ruiz & Stefano Ciurlo Walker
Tutor: Jan Liebe
Michele Brodeschi, Emily Carmichael, José Conde Martínez, Ciaran Chapple-Canty, Sarah Heidborn, Kazutoshi Konishi, Marcelo José Mendonça, Pepa, Lamela París, Agata Katarzyna Podgajna, Gudarz Riyani, Arthur Trieu, Tsuyoshi Wada
In Collaboration with:
Consorcio de Santiago Aula de Renovación Urbana y Rehabilitación Universidade de Santiago de Compostela COAG Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Galicia
Thanks to:
Xosé Manuel Villanueva Prieto, Manuel Arroyo Núñez, Modesto López de Sande, Tomás Santodomingo, José, María Díaz, José Antonio Redondo López, Santiago García Suárez, Idoia Camiruaga Osés, Jorge Duarte Vázquez, Lourdes Perez Castro, Aranzazu Paz López, José Manuel García Paz, Sonia García Rodríguez, Rik Nys, Angel Panero Pardo & José Otero Pombo